Community Guidelines


Welcome to Hidayah, a Muslim social media platform dedicated to providing a safe and spiritually uplifting online community. Our community guidelines are designed to foster a positive and respectful environment where users can engage with one another in accordance with Islamic principles.

1. Respectful Behavior

We expect all users to treat each other with respect and dignity. This includes refraining from harassment, hate speech, discrimination, and any other form of disrespectful behavior. Be mindful of your language and interactions, and always strive to maintain a positive tone.

2. Islamic Values

Hidayah is based on Islamic principles, and we encourage users to uphold these values in their interactions on the platform. This includes promoting kindness, compassion, honesty, and integrity. Avoid posting content that contradicts or undermines Islamic teachings.

3. Content Guidelines

Users are responsible for the content they create, upload, or share on Hidayah. Please ensure that your content is appropriate, respectful, and in compliance with our community guidelines and applicable laws. Avoid posting content that is offensive, vulgar, obscene, or harmful.

4. Respect for Privacy

Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others. Do not share personal or sensitive information about yourself or others without their consent. Be mindful of the privacy settings on your account and respect the privacy preferences of other users.

5. Reporting Violations

If you encounter content or behavior that violates our community guidelines, please report it to us immediately. We take reports of violations seriously and will take appropriate action, which may include removing the offending content or suspending the users account.

6. Moderation

Hidayah reserves the right to moderate content and enforce our community guidelines as necessary. Our moderators will review reported content and take appropriate action in accordance with our policies. Users who repeatedly violate our guidelines may face account suspension or termination.

7. Feedback and Suggestions

We value feedback from our users and welcome suggestions for improving the Hidayah platform. Your feedback helps us maintain a positive and supportive community for all users.

8. Compliance

By using the Hidayah platform, you agree to comply with our community guidelines and all applicable laws and regulations. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, including account suspension or termination.


Thank you for being a part of the Hidayah community. By following our community guidelines and upholding Islamic values, you contribute to creating a welcoming and spiritually uplifting environment for all users. Together, we can build a positive and supportive online community that reflects the teachings of Islam.